Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Plan Group

The Community Plan Group is a constituted group of local volunteers whose aim is ‘To help improve the facilities, services and activities within the parish of Rixton-with-Glazebrook for the benefit of all’.

Many objectives have been achieved since the group was formed including: opening a Community Village Shop, reinstating a Parish Carnival, supporting the Community Hall by introducing a Community Coffee Morning, which has become very popular, and introducing a Rixton Runners Group that do weekly 5K runs around the parish.  Group volunteers have also improved the look of the Parish by holding regular litter picks, sign cleaning sessions, and annual bulb planting.  Guided walks have held twice a year by the group help to promote the local  Footpaths Around Rixton network.  The above activities also helps to bring together residents and organisations in a social environment.

A Parish News booklet is produced twice yearly to update residents on all community groups, schools and Parish Council activities and contacts,  click here to view

To find out more about the group contact the Secretary on [email protected] or Chair Andy Eaves on 07368 970112.  Any proposals or suggestions that you may have can be forwarded to the Secretary Jill Eaves or raised at one of our meetings. Meetings are open to the public and held locally at Rixton Methodist Church, Chapel Lane, Rixton WA3 6HG  – all welcome.

The Community Plan Group was formerly known as Parish Plan Group, but the name was changed in order to avoid confusion with the Parish Council.

To see the latest news and images of the Community Plan volunteers out and about in action see below.

What's On

Our News

Latest Parish News booklet out now!

The summer 2024 Parish News booklet, produced by the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Plan Group, is out now.  The June edition provides residents with the latest ... more

Local volunteers tidy up the Parish!

Answering the call to join a parish litter pick around Rixton-with-Glazebrook (RwG), resulted in 16 local volunteers pulling together to remove litter from the lanes and ... more

Guided evening walk Tuesday 18th July

If you like a gentle walk, then you may be interested in joining others on a 3mile circular guided walk where you will be able to enjoy the scenic footpaths and country ... more

Parish News – December 2023

The Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish newsletter is produced by the Community Plan Group as a reminder for residents of who to contact for community group activities, local ... more

Parish News – Dec 2022

This Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish news booklet is produced by the Community Plan Group to help update residents on news, events and who to contact for community group ... more


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