Nextdoor website helps neighbours share news

Some Rixton-with-Glazebrook residents may be interested to know of an existing website Nextdoor that currently has in excess of 400 residents signed up across the parish. Residents are finding the website useful for sharing information and news. Nextdoor is the private social network for your neighbourhood that enables local residents to connect easily and quickly […]

Posted on: 2nd March 2017


Update from Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve

Rixton Claypits Rangers have been busy as always managing the Nature Reserve – here’s an update. Following on from the success of the summer grazing, the Rangers are now trialing winter grazing. Currently there are 84 sheep on site, split into two flocks made up of two varieties, Herdwicks and Hebrideans. It is likely there […]

Posted on: 2nd March 2017


Latest news from the Cubs – Feb 2017

2016 ended busily for Hollins Green Cubs with activities including: Cub camp in Dunham with lots of singing and hot dogs; forming a guard of honour at Remembrance Sunday; joining 300 Warrington Cubs for a 2hr run, game of bowls and renewal of their Promise on trampolines; and taking part in the Civic Sunday Service. […]

Posted on: 1st March 2017


Community Hall Survey results

Rixton-with-Glazebrook residents and facility users have recently been consulted on the current and future usage and maintenance of The Community Hall in Hollins Green.  1200 surveys were sent out to residents and facility users and 228 completed surveys were received, giving a 19% participation result – which is a good response rate. The Hall was […]

Posted on: 28th February 2017


Additional HS2 Phase 2b Public Information Event

An additional public information event was held at Culcheth Sports Club on 24th February to give residents an opportunity to talk to the project team about the proposed property schemes and the changes to the High Speed Two (HS2) Phase 2b route from Crewe to Manchester and West Midlands to Leeds. The Government announced the […]

Posted on: 14th February 2017