Community Shop update

The shop has recently had the National Lottery installed, which has proven popular with residents and passing trade, and has helped to generate more sales.

On the 7th June the shop held their third AGM – the Chairman’s report and financial accounts for the year ending December 2017 are in the shop for anyone to read or they can be downloaded by clicking on the pdf on the Hollins Green Community Shop page – see link below.  At the AGM the possible relocation of the shop within the proposed Community Hall refurbishment scheme was also discussed – the committee are still working on the feasibility of this for the shop.

The shop is doing well, but currently still relies on fundraising to keep it open. They would love to see more local people using the shop and would welcome suggestions from residents on how they could drive this.  Anyone with ideas can pop into the shop for a chat with shop manager Julie Atkinson or phone 0161 775 7022.

Volunteers are still required and the staff would welcome the help of anyone who has spare time to work in the shop or to do general maintenance jobs, outside and inside. If interested, please pop into the shop for a chat.

To read more about the shop and what it offers the community and visitors to the parish click here


Posted on: 17th July 2018