Update from Rixton Claypits Nature Reserve
Rixton Claypits Rangers have been busy as always managing the Nature Reserve – here’s an update.
Following on from the success of the summer grazing, the Rangers are now trialing winter grazing. Currently there are 84 sheep on site, split into two flocks made up of two varieties, Herdwicks and Hebrideans. It is likely there will be sheep on site, in varying numbers, throughout the year and these will be moved from one meadow to the other as and when necessary. Half of the sheep are pregnant Ewes which will probably leave the site in March to lamb, returning at a later date.
A student from Edge Hill university will be working on placement with the Rangers for 2017. The Claypits are host to two Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Group, South Lancashire (ARGSL) workdays in February and March. These will involve opening up a couple of shaded-out Great Crested Newt ponds.
The Newtopia project (funded by Heritage Lottery scheme) is due to begin this summer, with extra fencing around the site to contain grazing sheep in new areas. The idea behind this project is to open up two clusters of ponds from shaded out conditions and so make them available to the Great Crested Newts with the aim that their numbers will increase.
The programme of summer works will deal with upgrading access and the repair and maintenance of site furnishings. On one of these activities the Rangers have arranged a ‘taster’ session for a group of young people from Warrington, who are unsure as to what they want to do in the future. Who knows, one of these might be the next Rixton Ranger when the current ones have hung up their chainsaws !
Unfortunately, there are five or six large trees to take down along the public footpath, including Oak and Beech, due to the fact that they are diseased and dying and are a potential danger to passers by!
Interesting recent bird sightings have included: Green Sandpiper, Jack Snipe and Siskins.
To read more about the Rixton Claypits and to see images of the Nature Reserve click on the link below.
Posted on: 2nd March 2017