Rangers busy down at the Nature Reserve

Rixton Claypits Rangers have been busy cutting back vegetation from some of the paths and tracks and carrying out woodland edge and meadow management for species diversity. Lambs and Rams have also been helping out as they have been on site conservation grazing and the impressive horned Rams will remain throughout the Summer.

The Rangers can look forward to a little help soon, when a couple of students join them for work experience. Bangor University volunteers are also due back to help open up a traditional toad spawning area to sunlight on one of the pits.

The Rangers hope some initial work will begin on the Claypits ‘Newtopia’ project this Summer, with stockproof fencing going in, and in the Autumn scrub removal will begin to open up a species rich meadow corridor, linking two populations of Great Crested Newts together. This is a part of the Carbon Landscape project led by Lancashire Wildlife Trust and funded by the Heritage Lottery.

Posted on: 27th February 2018