Good result for school inspection!

As a Church of England school, St. Helen’s Primary School is subject to a Church School inspection every 5 years as well as an Ofsted Inspection. In February 2017 the school was graded as Outstanding in all four areas from the Church perspective and Good in all four areas from Ofsted.
During the course of the visit the inspectors carried out lesson observations, looked at children’s books, heard children read and interviewed pupils, staff and governors. They also carried out a thorough scrutiny of the school’s safeguarding procedures. ‘Pupils feel safe, are proud of their school and enjoy attending’.
Inspectors said: “The local church and school work respectfully and effectively together, which strengthens social and spiritual support in this local community” and “Consistently good teaching across the school ensures that groups of children make good progress in their learning.” and “Pupils feel safe, are proud of their school and enjoy attending.”
A copy of the reports are available on the school website.
Posted on: 11th July 2017