Parish Carnival fun – Saturday 29th June 12-4pm

All the planning is in place and the Carnival committee and volunteers are looking forward to hosting the 2024 Parish Carnival on Saturday 29th June 12 – 4pm on the Village Green in Hollins Green. The popular Carnival offers entertainment, refreshments, a dog show, and lots of fun activities for the whole family as well […]

Posted on: 26th June 2024


Latest Parish News booklet out now!

The summer 2024 Parish News booklet, produced by the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Plan Group, is out now.  The June edition provides residents with the latest community news, upcoming events, and contact details for facilities and community groups. For a relatively small parish, Rixton-with-Glazebrook have lots of volunteers working tirelessly to help keep the community looking tidy […]

Posted on: 5th June 2024


Local volunteers tidy up the Parish!

Answering the call to join a parish litter pick around Rixton-with-Glazebrook (RwG), resulted in 16 local volunteers pulling together to remove litter from the lanes and verges. Picking up litter dropped by others is not something people relish doing, but by volunteering to do so, everyone living in the Parish benefits from a nicer place […]

Posted on: 13th February 2024


Winter walk blows cobwebs away!

‘Muddy but nice’ was the best way to describe the 2024 New Year guided walk held on Mon 8th January. Forty booted walkers and dogs joined the walk and squelched along some muddy footpaths to enjoy the 3-mile guided Winter Walk.  The weather was kind, as were the walkers who helped each other through the […]

Posted on: 8th January 2024


Celebrating 150yrs Glazebrook Station

Friends of Glazebrook Station (FRoGS) had a fantastic turnout for their event on 2nd September 2023, put on to celebrate 150yrs since Glazebrook Station first opened in 1873, and to share the work so far of the FRoGS volunteers and their plans for the future. The afternoon consisted of live music, stalls and tasty light […]

Posted on: 3rd September 2023