Latest Parish News booklet out now!

The summer 2024 Parish News booklet, produced by the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Plan Group, is out now.  The June edition provides residents with the latest community news, upcoming events, and contact details for facilities and community groups.

For a relatively small parish, Rixton-with-Glazebrook have lots of volunteers working tirelessly to help keep the community looking tidy and thriving.  Volunteering opportunities and who to contact are in the booklet and groups would be delighted to hear from anyone, young or old, who is looking to do some volunteering.  No amount of support is too small – every little helps!

The printed booklet is free to pick up from local facilities including The Village Shop, Black Swan and Community Hall in Hollins Green, and The Greenery Cafe in Glazebrook.  Alternatively, you can view or download by clicking this link  Parish News booklet June 2024


Posted on: 5th June 2024