A fitting tribute to the community!

To celebrate all those who have given their time freely to the local Community Hall over the years, the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Community Plan Group volunteers felt it would be fitting to raise funds to have a tree sculpture carved in front of the recently transformed Hall in Hollins Green.
The Group agreed on an owl and it’s baby sculpture and a ‘Go Fund’ me page was set up. The owl was chosen to represent all who have been associated with the Hall since its initial building in 1972, almost 50 years ago. As a community building so many kind people have helped to manage and maintain the Hall for all to enjoy and we felt they should be remembered. The baby owl was chosen to represent the next generation to come who will be using and looking after the Hall in the future.
Local and neighbouring community folk got firmly behind the fundraising campaign, together raising nearly £700. Chainsaw sculptor Mike Burgess was booked to carry out the work and in September 2022 the owl and baby sculpture was installed in front of the Hall for all to see…. and it looks grand!
As if people hadn’t been generous enough, the sculptor kindly donated one of his smaller sculpted owls for the Group to raffle off. Thanks to the kind support of the local community the raffle raised £602 towards a project to purchase a projector and screen for the Hall. The lucky winner (picture centre) was delighted as were
Community Plan Group secretary Jill and Chair Andy who steered the project.
The Community Plan Group wish to thank all who got behind this lovely community project to enable this fitting tribute to be placed proudly in front the Hall in its 50th year. We hope it will be enjoyed for many years to come!
Posted on: 20th September 2022