Parish News – December 2023

The Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish newsletter is produced by the Community Plan Group as a reminder for residents of who to contact for community group activities, local facilities and council services, and to share upcoming events. For up to date news check out the local social media forums and community Facebook pages.
Since the last edition in June 2023, community groups and volunteers have been busy helping out around the Parish and organising and hosting events making the Parish a more attractive and vibrant place to live and socialise.
The community is not short of volunteering opportunities, whether for a one off stint or more regular slots. Those looking for a few hours of volunteering may be interested in contacting one of the following groups, who all welcome new volunteers: The Village Shop, Community Hall Committee, Friends of the Cemetery, Community Plan Group, Parish Carnival Committee, Friends of Glazebrook Station or Scouts. The Scout leader as asked for a call out for anyone who may be interested in being a Beaver leader, as they don’t t have one at present and so cannot run Beavers for 6-8yr old boys and girls. The Parish News contacts page has details of who to get in touch with.
To read the Rixton-with-Glazebrook Parish News booklet click on the pdf below.
On behalf of the community the Community Plan Group wish to thank the Parish Council and the Hamilton Davies Trust for their continued financial support to Parish community groups and local facilities, and also to both for funding the production and printing of the Parish News booklet.
- Parish News - December 2023 - Download
Posted on: 20th June 2023